A collection of lessons, texts, graphics and videos explaining the process of creation (you can subscribe to it by choosing the student tier or above).

Answering questions like:
Who and what I am?
How do I become myself?
Where I am in this world/universe?
How do I create my reality?
How can I do different?
Why I am in this context? And what is my purpose?

Nothing in this world happens by chance. There is no such thing as luck or accident. Every little thing in your life happens for a certain reason, you may not see it all now but you will, before long.

The content of conscious-awareness tutorials, is more like a self transformational process designed by CriStina, based on her own journey.
She somewhat, has been in your shoes and has overcome exceptionally challenging circumstances, which gives her the insight and understanding of what you are experiencing now.

At the moment of awakening the world is understandably fearful and scary.
Each one of us experiences feelings like isolation, anxiety, stress, feeling out of control, or feeling depressed.

Or just simply not fitting into the world anymore.

How to sail through these challenging moments?
How to develop so to invite the bright moments of gratitude, love, and compassion into our daily life?

The goal is to raise your awareness and shift your perspective from negativity to possibility.
Here you can find knowledge and practice you need to take your busy life from stress to serenity, becoming an autonomous, confident, and independent conscious being.

Just by our simple existence we are constantly creating.
We create our suffering as well as our happiness.
The more awareness and the better understanding of how life unfolds from within, the more wellbeing we can create for ourselves and others.
Our self-transformational approach of life focuses on liberating the mind and moving towards deeper understanding & acceptance.


Everything that you most desire in life is waiting for you.
You just have to learn how to bring it into reality.

Most of our behavior is driven by our unconscious mental and emotional patterns.
We like to think we act with awareness and intention, but our actions are largely influenced by the hidden 95% of who we are; this comprises unconscious habits, beliefs, and outlooks that we have learned throughout our lives.

What means awareness?
Awareness refers to the deep knowingness of the existence of self.
It is the knowing and understanding of yourself as a unique and complex physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual being. It is in constant changing and evolution. See more...
What means consciousness?
Consciousness refers to all that one has experienced, consciously or unconsciously, during all lives and all times. It is in constant evolution and has its levels and dimensions of experiencing. See more...

At a glimpse...

The tutorials will give you the knowledge, experience and support needed to evolve your emotional and mental intelligence, and grow to a more conscious being.

Awareness of conceptual mind and existence of self.
The seat of the soul.
Complexity of the BEING as an energetic SELF.
The being as a perfect tool in the process of creation.
Map of Consciousness.
Illness and wellbeing the result of our thoughts and feelings.
Breaking the critical moment of stress. Dealing with emotions.
Presence and meditation. Releasing the pain body. Letting go.
Transcending the negative into positive. Mental programming.
Self-Consciousness and conscious interpersonal relationships.